W: 310.0 BS: 169
Things AND stuff:
Taxi 1Taxi 2Dishes- Laundry
- Vacuum
- Clean
Dairy storeOrder groceriesStart yogurt- ?
W: 310.0 BS: 169
Things AND stuff:
W: 312.0 BS: 167
As influenza goes, this is the easiest ride I've ever had. Not 9 days, but 3-4. Not high fever, but only102 a couple times. All the coughing, but I could always breath. All in all, I'm still washed out like an old rag but it was nothing like previous instances.
What for the difference? I have to lean towards the Tamiflu being effective. Also, we've been slamming B-C-D vitamins for several years now. D is the biggy my doctor tells us.
The fever broke last night, my appetite returned enough to have a bowl of cereal, and I slept most of the night. Abdominal muscles are screaming, and I have to hold my guts to cough or it hurts like hell. That will pass with two Tylenol.
I'm Back, for a given value of back.
Flu, 3'rd day obvious symptoms for her, 2'nd for me, first day for the chilluns. THEY don't don't know it, but it it's obvious to us.
Typical influenza, from what I remember. It's been many years since I had the real thing.
LOT'S of coughing, intermittent but non-stop. Headaches all round. Lethargy, aches, and pains. Fever, light but there, 100-101. No appetite. Some nausea and the fun stuff that goes with it.
So, lessons being learned. Tamiflu appears to work. Certainly not a cure, but it seems to be shortening the time period and the severity of the symptoms. This makes sense. If the viral loading can be retarded, good things can happen.
Tamiflu good. We Americans must get a docs permission to have the Tamiflu. Funny how only the wealthiest nations require that.
The way our system is engineered, the Tamiflu is prevented from doing it's job by stupid regs. We are not supposed to call the doc till we are three days in, and then it can take a day to get even an E-appointment, and then off to the drugstore to get the med. That makes it 4 days into a 9 day flu. So, here is the best I have come up with to short circuit the evil regulators who delight in our suffering.
Here, a quick E-visit with urgent care will get the scrip sent in, but they require you to self-test with a flu detection tester first. That means stumbling off to the drugstore to get that kit while you are in full blown flu mode, and back again once the doc allows you to have the medication. Next time I will have those kits on hand before flu season even begins. *I* don't care what flavor of flu I have, but the system demands to know before we can have help, even though that help is exactly the same no matter what the tester says we have.
Also, the E-doc did not ask for an image of the little lines on the tester thingy. This leaves the way open for a nefarious ne'er-do-well (Like me) to simply say 'Hell yes, the whole family tested positive for Flu A, and we only have one bathroom!'. That would get scrips for everyone, and the lucky ones could take the Tamiflu as the symptoms set in rather than wait till they are almost gone as the system requires.
Other lessons: Be SURE of the OTC meds on hand. We have lot's of stuff for various ailments, but the one thing Flu demands... we didn't have. Nyquil. It's the only thing that cuts the coughing enough to get some sleep, and sleep is critical. I was pretty certain I'd seen two bottles on the bathroom closet shelf..... grrrr. I expect we will consume 4 to 6 bottles between the four of us Next time I will be stocked up when it's on sale, and I will LOCK IT UP to be sure it's there.
By day two we had worked out a system of grunts and hand signals to communicate. Nobody has voice enough left to do more than whisper... and groan.
I'm sure more lessons will present themselves. Meanwhile, I need to get back the doing and stuff, since somebody has to.
W: 316.4 BS: 145
She has flu-A. Now I have all the symptoms.
See ya on the other side.
Internal data from inside the Department of Veterans Affairs Building Portfolio:
- VA Central Office 810 Vermont Avenue is a 618,000 square foot building - It has 2,483 seats, meaning that's how many staff they can fit - The monthly rent is $27.2 million - Their average logins is 387 people, that’s people logging in every month to work - That building is sitting at 16% occupancy rate (So we're paying $27.2 million a month for that building with 16% occupancy rate) More Leased Government Buildings Stats: 811 Vermont Avenue: - 266,000 square feet - 1294 seats - $14 million dollars a month rent - 124 average logins - This is a 10% occupancy rate 18000 G Street - 207,000 square feet - 1243 seats - $11.3 million dollars a month rent - 146 average logins - This is a 11% occupancy rate 1100 First Street - 48,000 square feet - 190 seats - $2.4 million dollars a month rent - 55 average logins - This is a 20% occupancy rate 428 I Street - 175,000 square feet - 583 seats - $12.7 million dollars a month rent - 60 average logins - This is a 10% occupancy rate 801 I Street - 18,000 square feet - 86 seats - $1.1 million dollars a month rent - 8 average logins - This is a 9% occupancy rate That’s from the Department of Veterans Affairs Building portfolio.W: 313.8 BS: 145
Hey Mo!
The 60 year old Gubner on the right says the 71 year old guy on the left is dangerous to people's health.
My first ever attempt at home made egg rolls.
What was in them:
W: 309.8 BS: 181
W: 313.0 309.8 BS: 184
Done fuqued up yesterday with food, meds, and everything. Back on track today.
In recognition of the Trumpies demand that all federal employees identify at least 5 things they got accomplished last week... I will show the looters how it is done.
Being a fat old retired school teacher with a bum heart, my list might seem slim to some. On the other hand, I expect it would be 1200% adequate for a fed-staff, if they even come close.
Last week, I:
Med harpy: "Did you fill out the on-line information?"
Me: "Nope"
Med harpy "We need that information. You should fill those out every time".
Me: "If you wanted it filled out, then your IT zombies should not have changed it to be so aggravating and difficult".
Med harpy: "What do you mean?"
Me: "Last visit the online stuff was fast and easy. This time its 3 times longer and requires detailed insurance info that I am 100% sure you already have in your system. On top of that, I KNOW you are about to ask me to verify every bit line by line. Let me ask you... does your group track the effectiveness of your on-line forms?"
Med harpy: "I..I... don't think so?"
Me: "Well, that is one way to avoid blame for blatant administrative failures. No metrics equals no responsibility, huh?"
Med harpy: (sputter sputter sputter)....
W: 312.0 BS: 84
4am. Fire, coffee, toast.
To Do:
Is there a point where people do something so heinous and evil, they can't be considered human any longer?
W: 313.8 UGH BS: 105
Allergies off the hook. Everything leaks. Blech.
To Do?
Since The Trump took office, illegal border crossings have gone from an average 11,000 a day under Biden to less than 300 a day. In one month. Border patrol agents say they have never seen the numbers of illegals this low, ever.
Yeah, eggs prices have not dropped, but the 1/3 of all layer chickens in the US which the Bidenistas slaughtered will take time to come back. Illegal aliens? They change as quickly any other intelligent human. Fast. They are not stupid and they can follow what is happening as well as anyone else. The Biden team bent over backwards to increase unlawful migration in order to boost voters for their team, at massive taxpayer cost. That backfired, and the LEGAL immigrants went for Trump in a big way, while everyone saw the corruption in the Dem plan. Lets face it, actual bad and evil people really are rarer than decent folks who want the best for everyone.
Not only did Legal immigrants go for Trump, but so did a surprisingly large swath of other minorities, the FOP, and the Teamsters. Those folks, and many others, all joined by a common theme it seems. They are all hard working Americans with families they care about. Seeing their jobs vanish, their communities go bad, and their kids school turn ugly... that made it clear to them like nothing else ever did. Enough that more than half the voters in the nation went Trump, or at least decided Harris/Waltz was a bad enough idea to vote against them. The border issue was leading that drive.
How will border security play out in the coming years? Changes, my friends, BIG changes.
DOGE only has the power to investigate financial issues and make them public, and only at the direction of the executive. They cannot fire people. They can't change funding. They can't touch an account. They have zero spending authority. They can't DO anything but look at the books and make them transparent.
News today is that Catholic bishops (The wealthiest church on Earth) are suing Trump to keep that sweet sweet refuge aimed cash flowing into their accounts. I'll point out the average directors salary at Catholic Charities is roughly $900,000 plus bennies. In addition, Catholic Charities siphons off about 35% of donations (65% of which is taxpayer cash) for 'administrative' costs.
I once had a pastor who was injured in a car accident. While visiting him during recovery, he told me a colleague had reminded him that suing the person who hit him would cost him the ministry position by church law. Asked to explain, we went in a very wordy lesson about the supremacy of God's Will and.... well.... stuff like that. Sorry, my brain shut down at that point.
I guess the Catholic Bishops don't worry about God's Will and that pesky 'render unto Caesar' stuff. It doesn't make the pile of gold one piece deeper.
W: 312.2 BS: 81
12 degrees. That's not many degrees. I best stay in to conserve the outside degrees.
Half the house is down with 'I don't feel so good' and I'm avoiding them like walking plague, because they are. I wonder how much Vit B,C,D it takes to overdose?
And... now Herself is maybe ER, maybe home with drugs, depending on an X-ray result.
It's a cold and breezy Winter day, which makes this rich and hearty beef stew a perfect family dinner.
We had roast beef, roast veg, and gravy last night for dinner. That, of course, folds neatly into this big pot of beef stew, since it's all of last nights dinner in one pot, 'Plus' a bit more.
The beef roast of course, along with carrot, potato, onion, shallot, green onion, Daikon radish, wine, chicken stock, and several seasonings, herbs, and spices to include my own tomato powder. 30 minutes before serving I'll install some frozen peas, which makes the Wife quite happy.
Cream biscuits to accompany, of course.
Yesterdays dinner cooked for 3 hours, and today's beef stew will be in the oven for 8 hours. Can you imagine what our home smells like right now?
AND..... This recipe made THESE biscuits. Easiest I've tried, and best I have ever made.
Cory Booker, a truly perfect representative of slimy self-serving politicians everywhere, has admitted he's sucked in over $2 million in 'speaking fees' in the last couple years.
One.... YUGE..... problem for Booker:
"Federal law (5 U.S.C. § 7351) reinforces that congressional members cannot profit from outside speaking gigs while in office. The maximum outside income for 2025 is set at 15% of their base salary ($174,000), or about $26,100 annually, but this applies to earned income like consulting—not honoraria, which are outright banned". (Mila Joy on X)
Looking at the egregious and blatant actions of the Tribes politicians and priests these last 4 years has led me to only one conclusion. They were not concerned with obviously breaking myriad laws because they never expected to lose another election. They never expected anyone to be a position to make them pay for their crimes. Losing to Trump (along with both houses) and seeing him surge into office like a tsunami of righteous retribution has really put the fear to them. So many politicians are seeing themselves in prison before this is over. I could see a whole new Federal prison being built just to house corrupt politicians.
I sure hope they do public tours.
I was asked "What the heck is a Foodie?".
Maybe I'd best explain with an example.
A simple question. "What did you have for breakfast?"
Normie, "Eggs and toast. Nothing special".
Foodie, "Man, I had three eggs so fresh the chickens were still complaining. I had them scrambled, with a dash of heavy creamy to kick it up. They were cooked slow, with crumbled peppered bacon and shredded sharp yellow Cheddar. Lot's of fresh ground black pepper on top too. I just left them in the pan and cooked it like a Frittata till it firmed up. Then, I had two slices of Italian bread, toasted to perfection. Just a little too much good butter on the toast, but is there really ever too much butter? I thought about doing the salsa thing on the eggs, but that would have overpowered the lovely taste of the bacon. Next time I'll do plain eggs in maybe an omelet, and do the salsa on top".
There, in a nutshell, is the difference between a normie and a foodie.
I look at this image while someone asks how they wipe their butt. The strange creature inside my skull immediately jumps to think of possible answers, mostly because the alternative is hideous.
Maybe vampires don't poop?
I mean, if all they consume is blood, then what do they make a poop out of? Also, if they DO poop, wouldn't that massively iron-rich diet give them the universes worst constipation?
Then I wonder if I could craft a short story around vampires pooping.
W: 313.0 311.8 BS: 140
Good morning!
Today's thought is: When one lights a wood stove, the first fire is for the stove and chimney. They need to warm up before they can do their jobs. The next fire is to warm the home. There is a life lesson in that. Maybe after coffee
(Putting on the tall wizard hat)
Vista Print, the nations #1 supplier of printed protest signs, has lost 20% of it's company value since the end of January.
Now, I'm not saying the cutting off of USAID fraud money the last week of January had anything to do with the number one supplier of Democrat party protest signs nosediving financially, along with most of the protesters seemingly vanishing.
Oh hell.... yes, I am saying exactly that.
This morning, a breakfast hash happened. Like all the best Hash's, it used up a bunch of leftovers and needed-used things. In a medium hot pan with a knob of butter, went:
W: 313.2 BS: 150
The Wind! The Wind! It howls!
Gooie Dooies...
W: 312.8 BS: 120
Fire lit lit, coffee brewed, meat roasting. Gonna be a good day!