Sunday, January 30, 2011

Palin Derangement Syndrome


Well, we used to have Bush Derangement Syndrome, and now it appears that same demographic has shifted to PDS (Palin Derangement Syndrome). I guess some people just need someone safe to hate. Sad little people with small minds and small souls.
Just the kind of people Hitler, Stalin, and Mao counted on most.

1 comment:

suz said...

"Just the kind of people Hitler, Stalin, and Mao counted on most."

Palin too, if she were clever enough. It's mind-boggling that anyone takes her seriously enough to love or hate her. She's as mindless, shallow and hypocritical as silly soundbites. Reality TV has proven beyond a doubt: Americans thrive on pointless manufactured controversy. I guess it's easier than understanding real controversy.