Monday, May 30, 2011

Monday morning food porn.... Breakfast edition


Recipe... ish:

What you get is sort of a rosti, and delicious beyond measure.

A red potato, diced and sauteed in butter till golden brown.

Pancetta, from Claudio's market in South Philly, slivered and added to the pan.

Portabella mushrooms, sliced and added to the saute.

Grind on fresh pepper.

Two large eggs, blended with cream, poured onto the saute, and heat reduced.

Dollop on spoonfuls of rich Mornay sauce.

Cover, and cook till well set.

Turn onto a plate...... enjoy.

Oh... on a related note......

I have been bitched at by folks who claimed I made them gain weight.... by cooking for them I suppose. I'll leave that claim laying where it falls, with all the regard due.

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