Monday, June 27, 2011

Hell of a text message to get

"Sworn in today. I leave in October".

My son. He's joined the Marines.

Son of a bitch, but I am proud of that boy.


Rev. Paul said...


Borepatch said...

It sure is something to watch your boy grow into Honorable Manhood. The worry doesn't leave, it just changes.

But this is an entirely admirable act by your boy, grown into Honorable Manhood.

Bryn, North Wales, UK. said...

My respects and congratulations to both you and your son.

Scott McCray said...

As you should be...I still get a lump thinking of my nephew (Marines) and my son (now Army Reserves/Iraq twice) and their service. Thank him for me...

Unknown said...

Good man! P.I. or Hollywood?

p.s. Earrings arrived today - I LOVE THEM!!!

Bob said...

That's something to be proud of. May he stay safe in this war-weary world and come back to an even better man than he already is.

Unknown said...

...also, check out

It helped us get through boot camp. Two days before Thanksgiving, they posted a video of PFC's platoon posing on risers, wearing their warrior faces. It took us half an hour the identify him (using his EARS!!!) Missing Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's SUCKED, but they made it a little easier. Also, some of the DI's will post on their platoons' progress. Other parents' comments about what they've heard from their boys, gave us a broader perspective than PFC's letters. Above all, WRITE OFTEN!!!! They really need the moral support.

Now that he's settled into his permanent duty station, PFC absolutely loves it.

TheWayfarer said...

What an honor, Carteach0.