Another one bites the dust......
Congress choosing to raise taxes on ethanol. They call it eliminating a tax break, or any one of a dozen other names..... but I have this simple philosophy. At the end of the day, if we are paying more because of taxes... then they raised taxes. If we are paying less because of taxes, then they lowered taxes. Weasel words from the mouths of scheming politicians don't survive that test. Just shut up and show me the bottom line. It's like buying a car.... The check you write is the cost of the vehicle... everything else is bullshit.
In this case, their tax game is special. You see, CONgress also mandated that our pump fuel have a percentage of ethanol in it.... and they just raised taxes on ethanol.
Your fuel costs at the pump are once again going up, thanks to the people you put in office.
Isn't that just duckie?
Niche tax breaks targeted; Senate kills ethanol credit - The Hill's E2-Wire
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