Thursday, August 4, 2011

Rainy day mood....


Trying to remember the last time I was excited about doing something.

Hell... trying to remember the last time I was happy about life in general.

Not coming up with much here.


Mike W. said...

Hey, we all get in ruts in life. This one will pass. Go shooting! Recoil therapy works wonders!

Old NFO said...

Heard that... sigh...

Unknown said...

*Bitter Bitch Alert*
I would suggest a trip to your doctor and maybe some truly awesome meds, but that would be silly. It's just a bad mood, it'll pass. Someday. Rest assured, since you are a middle aged male, IT COULD NOT POSSIBLY BE depression.

Yes, I'm projecting. sorry.

Carteach said...

Small lol....

No Suz, not depression. I've encountered clinical depression in my life, and this ain't it. That's a dark creature which limits the world to a tiny space, leaving no room for joy, happiness... or others in one's life.

No... This is more of a 'taking stock'. I've been quite happy many times in my life, and often excited by what I'm doing. I like being like that.

The thing is, I've noticed I'm *not* like that recently... and it's time to figure out why.

Unknown said...

By all means, keep figuring. :)