The thing... this is LANCASTER..... in Pennsylvania. Our hippies are just better than your hippies. That's the way it is. Get used to it.
Notice OUR hippies have a very neat Occupy camp. See the straw? That's to keep the area clean. It gets raked up and disposed of, and protects the lawn from undue wear. Also notice the tents are well assembled, and properly arranged for easy upkeep.
Did I mention OUR hippies set up their Occupy camp next door to the police station? In fact... the police station is open to them for bathroom use and such.
See how few hippies are actually in the Lancaster Occupation during the day? That's because OUR hippies have jobs! They work hard all day, go home to get cleaned up, and then, and only then, do they come down for the occupation... which by the way, is fully licensed and permitted.
Our hippies have solar panels set up, and charge batteries to supply lighting at night. OUR hippies are smart, industrious, and don't stand around waiting for someone else to give them hand outs. In fact, in their spare time, our hippies are working at the library and helping out with keeping the city clean
We just have better hippies. It's a Lancaster thing.
Wow! For real?
Yup. Been there for many weeks. One article in the paper the day they set up (with permits of course). Other than that, they have settled in pretty well, with a few signs and lots of craft classes and evening fellowship stuff.
The images are from today, a few hours ago. Seem like nice kids.
Wow! Good for them.
Wow! Shiny!
Hmmm....No real hippie "is fully licensed and permitted." They must be something else. :-)
I'm not sure what they are, and I usually prefer to reserve hanging labels on folks.
Given a chance, I'd like to spend some time interviewing people at 'Occupy Lancaster'. I'm no journalist, but I am a curious person. Perhaps if I ask them in advance, and give them an idea what questions I might have, a coherent picture might form.
Sounds like a nice place. I think some of my ancestors came through there about twohundredfifty years ago. They too would have been industrious and peaceful types(Swiss and German Mennonites).
Carteach: May I suggest you go for it? Please take it from a guy who spent most of his life in the journalism racket. Some of the greatest reporting is done by non-journalists.
It would be good to get some of these folk's stories on paper.
That looks a lot like our hippies, in fact. I haven't been down there in a while, but being clean, respectful, & law-abiding is in their by-laws. There is much discussion on the OccupySA Facebook page about giving one another rides and coming down around work schedules & such. Even Borepatch verified them as okay-smelling (and polite).
Wow! Our hippies in Tulsa at the Occupy Tulsa protest initially were a tad unruly (due to several out-of-towner type hippies) but after an initial confrontation resulting in some arrests and a couple of pepper sprayings due to their being in violation of park curfew rules (hey, they were actively resisting)'The out-of-towners left, thinking we had too many rules around here. T
he remaining Tulsa hippies petitioned the city council for an exception to the rules for the number of porta-potties for civic gatherings and an exception to any fees for the exclusive usage of the park, and a few other things that have never been made exceptions for before. When asked why the council should do this they said "Because our message is so righteous".
The council said "Well, if we do that for you then we'll have to do it for everybody, so...no."
So our Tulsa hippies went home. Well except for a few that come out after work and leave before curfew ;)
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