Need ideas....
I have some Remington frangible 9x19 to evaluate and write about for the blog, and I'm looking for ways to dramatize it's capabilities. The thing is... so far I don't know what those capabilities are.
Well... testing has shown that a sealed can of Coor's Light will not disrupt the bullet enough to matter. That much I know so far (g).
Sooo.... all you shooty people who are brighter than I.. which is all of you... especially YOU Old NFO..... have any ideas?
"Well... testing has shown that a sealed can of Coor's Light will not disrupt the bullet enough to matter."
More years ago than I care to admit, I also wasted some unopened cans of Coors... to demonstrate the effective difference between CCI Stingers and other .22 hollowpoints.
You can inexpensively make your own ballistic gel from Knox gelatin, available at the supermarket.
You might also find generic gelatine cheaper than the Knox. it can all be used over and over, though if you get dirt and stuff in it you have to strain it back out.
I use soda cans filled with water to 5 gallon buckets filled with water to demonstrate to my kids just how dangerous a weapon can be. They make for great visual aids.
Og, I may try that. I have thought of making my own ballistic gel, but shied away ta the expense. Maybe it's time to give it a shot.
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