Sunday, July 15, 2012

Plus side of not watching TV.....

No cable and no satelite TV in this house. HD on air is a few mostly worthless broadcast channels. Anything else we want is ROKU'ed in or streamed onto a laptop.

The single biggest benefit? Aside from not having our brains sucked out our eye sockets, I mean?

All the hard cash politicians spend building expensive bilge water publicity campaigns have zero impact here.


ZerCool said...

Ain't it grand?

We haven't had cable since we started living together - about five years ago - and have never been in a place that over-the-air was practical. Netflix ($8/mo) and a large DVD library more than suffice those few evenings we actually do make time to watch a movie.

Old NFO said...

LOL, that works!!!

Z@X said...

"No cable and no satelite TV in this house. HD on air is a few mostly worthless broadcast channels. Anything else we want is ROKU'ed in or streamed onto a laptop."

Same same over here.