Wednesday, October 31, 2012

As long as I am opening up and speaking truth today, I took the time to be completely honest and exceptionally detailed in response to an E-mail from the company president. All professional of course... and strictly related to ongoing management issues I inherited.... but no punches pulled.

Maybe I'll be job hunting tomorrow. One never knows how people will deal with naked honesty.

Lets see..... is there anyone I have failed to piss off today? Please line up on my left, and wait patiently for your turn. I'm working as quickly as I can.


Carteach said...

Huh. Turns out I am still employed, and got an apology of sorts.


Peter said...

Honesty and integrity pay off in different ways. Sometimes they get you fired, in which case you can walk away with both of those assets intact and unimpaired. Other times they actually get through, making others wake up and smell the roses (perhaps for the first time in a long time).

I've never been accused of being politically correct, myself . . .


Old NFO said...

+1 on Peter, and glad you got the apology!