Sunday, October 21, 2012

I have turned ... 51. That does not sound so bad, till one says "Half a Century".

On the other hand, I may now tend to lose any sense of shame, restraint, or inhibition I might otherwise have had. Perhaps I shall buy a fast car, and pursue those bad habits I denied myself all those years.


Rev. Paul said...

Let no one tell you what you should (or shouldn't) do. You alone know what is right for you. I'm not far from 60, myself.

Carteach said...

On the other hand, I expect a simple sense of embarrassment will prevent any true silliness.

og said...

51? you're a puppy.

So long as I can act immature, i will never be old.

Crucis said...

I'll turn 66 in a few months. Two-thirds of a century sounds worse! (G)

Matthew Wennerlund said...

Happy birthday, sir. Fast car. Fast car is always a good thing.

Except with $4.00 gas...

Still, Happy Birthday.

Matt Wennerlund

Mark said...

Happy Birthday, Arthur!