Monday, April 13, 2020

Can't say I believe it...

The results of this Rasmussen poll, that is.

"Among these Americans, 38% say they would take the drug Hydroxychloroquine if they were diagnosed with the coronavirus. Forty-one percent (41%) would not, but 21% more are not sure.

Among all Americans, 31% would take the anti-malarial drug that many experts say counters the coronavirus but came under political attack after President Trump endorsed it. Thirty-five percent (35%) would not take Hydroxychloroquine. Just as many (34%) are undecided. 

Politics rules these days even when it comes to personal health. While 53% of Republicans say they would take Hydroxychloroquine if diagnosed with COVID-19, just 18% of Democrats and 28% of those not affiliated with either major party agree."

My first thought:  Talk is cheap.  People say all kinds of crap, but when they can't breath, they'll throw politics aside and grasp at anything that even hints at not dying today.

My second though:  Wow.... an ideology that preaches self-immolation through political purity is pretty much doomed.   Can't say I have a problem with that.

I'm not a nice person.

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