Sunday, April 26, 2020

HT to Glenn Reynolds..

NYC Central park, the day before I write this, I'm told.

I suspect the people across the country will be voting on lock-downs and governor imposed restrictions.  They'll be voting with their feet, and their bodies... and some governors are really going to get their panties twisted on having their 'Autority' dismissed.

As an instructor, I try to always bow to a simple rule of leadership.  Never order people to do something you know they won't do.  You can lead them into doing things they thought impossible, but you can never beat someone hard enough to make them achieve a goal they don't want to achieve. 

I can ask my class to quiet down and focus, but I can't order them to.  I can explain what we need to do, and how it will benefit them to do it my way.... but throwing tantrums, and my weight, will only bring chaos.

There's leadership, and then there's what some of our illustrious governors have chosen. 

I'm curious to see what happens, and how many governors will actively seek political suicide, by trying to 'lead' us (out of the mess they've made) from behind, with a big stick.

What happens when a Governor rants.... and the police turn away.... and people laugh?


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