Friday, April 10, 2020

New York state of mind....

There are very good reasons New York is being hammered with Covid19. Hell, the subway is running *today*, and still more crowded that I'd deal with.

The are going to be AARs, even DARs, which are already beginning.  Nobody of any authority anywhere will be immune to the feces-storm, but sorting reality from made up feces will require some work.  Helpfully, the interwebs never forget, no matter how how hard republicrats of all colors may wish it would.

The key, in my opinion, is doing your own research... and assuming everything you read is riddled with bias, well meaning or aggressively purposed.

Video is good... as long as it's uncut and un-manipulated.  Even then, context is critical.  The ten seconds before or after what is said can diametrically change everything.  The media proves this to us daily in their chop-job predatory cutting of Trump's blathering.

Primary to everything else, body count.  New York has an outstandingly high one, and the After Action Report on the Guv and Mayor are going to be bloody.

"On March 10, the mayor insisted on MSNBC that "If you're under 50 and you're healthy, which is most New Yorkers, there's very little threat here. This disease, even if you were to get it, basically acts like a common cold or flu. And transmission is not that easy." The next day—just hours before the National Basketball Association shut down its entire season—de Blasio urged New Yorkers to "not avoid restaurants, not avoid normal things that people do," adding: "If you're not sick, you should be going about your life."

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