Tuesday, April 14, 2020


Ralph (Blackface) Northam has signed into law roughly 2000 acts in the last few days. Why? To beat a legislative deadline. Is this reasonable governance? I don't see how it can be.
How did Northam become Goobernor in 2017? Well, the state legislature was (and always will be from now on) single-party controlled, and rammed through some interesting voting laws. The result is the map we see here. Even though almost the entire state voted against him, it boiled down to a small handful of very populous municipalities. Under their new rules, those counties now decide for all of Virginia.

That why we saw 90% of the counties rebuke the Goobernor on his over-the-top human rights limitations. It's also why there is talk of more than half the state becoming part of West Virginia.

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