Sunday, May 3, 2020

This will be interesting to watch

Families warming up the sue wagon, and aiming it at universities nationwide....

I took the hit, and read it. The gist is there is a wave of heavy-duty lawsuits being arranged, aimed at universities and demanding refunds. They closed campuses and most reverted to on-line courses. The difference in cost between an on-line degree and an on-campus degree can be on the order of 500% in many cases.

B) I think the universities are going to lose, and lose hard, but that's my uncultured position.

An analogy... Lets say you go to a car dealership, and there the salesman spends hours telling you the features on the 2020 Whiffenpoof 6100 special. It's amazing! It's fantastic! Just OWNING that car will tell the world you are a serious player in industry!

You buy the car, handing over a bucket full of cash. You take that car home, and it's truly wonderful. People at parties are awed by your car buying prowess, and you look forward to many job offers from fellow Whiffenpoof owners.

Then, the car dealer comes to your home in the dead of night and takes back your Whiffenpoof, replacing it with a 2017 Derpaderp compact car, which has a user rating of -23 and all employers know that car won't reliably get an employee to work every day.

Then, when you call the car dealer.... they tell you "Tough, you gotta car, so shut up. We are keeping your Whiffenpoof money, so %$#@ off."

Yeah, It's like that.

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