Friday, July 3, 2020

We all'uns be doing okay.....

We be okay.  Tired mostly.

Herself is working, having a ball with her new job.

I'm teaching, but with a... 'difficult'.... schedule.  Hanging in there okay, for an old fat man.

School is taking heavy measures to keep everyone safe.  All masks, all the time. Tiny classes (max is 9) for shorter stretches.  Distancing.  Every student gets their own desk, own tools, own trainers, and limited points of contact.  Daily temp check and screening for everyone who enters the building. NOTHING open in the building but class, lab, and the door to get out when they are done.  If a student needs to talk with services, they use their phone to email down the hall.  Classrooms are scrubbed down between our new four shift schedule, and the whole building is fogged nightly. 

The new schedule is best described as 'grueling' for instructors.  We all get two shifts, or two four hour classes.  Lucky instructors get two morning or two evening shifts, with 30 minutes in between them.  Unlucky instructors get the two middle shifts, with only fifteen minutes between classes and that is used for cleaning.  A couple instructors got split shifts.... which is just weird.

Guess which schedule this here old bastard gets?  Yup.  Middle.  One hour prep, then 8 hours solid teaching with no scheduled breaks at all.  I have to shut down class to get a five minute pee break, and I'm drinking my meals on the run while I teach.

Feeling old my friends, feeling old.  I'm not alone in that, either.  Instructor room talk is often about lack of sleep, stress, and alcohol.

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