Back to work tomorrow.... YAY!
In school news, they have discontinued giving out the large/heavy primary automotive textbook we use. It's our own special edition of the Tim Gilles book, and an excellent resource. Instead, the school will be...
Drum roll please....
GIVING each student their own laptop, and a downloadable version of the same resource.
Not loaning, not temporary, not selling, not renting..... GIVING each student a laptop. As in.... "Turn it on and make sure it works.... it does? Cool.... sign here, and when you walk out that door it's 100% your problem to deal with". Tuition has not gone up to cover it. Not one penny.
I understand that providing every student at all of our campuses with a decent laptop may have caused some concerns in the 'Puter market over supply.
Now students will have electronic, searchable, and notatable versions of our text book, and every course guide as they progress through the course. In addition, as they move through the on-line portions those lectures and video demonstrations will all stay available to them the rest of their educational journey with us. All of it.... every course.... every video.
As they are on campus for the intensive hands-on sessions and testing, they can have the laptop open alongside them with a demo video up, and the instructor there to guide them into the skill.
Our new class size right now? NINE students per instructor, and sometimes two instructors. That is made doable by having four (4 hour) student shifts per school day, instead of their old 6 hour class. Instructor days can range from 5:00 am to 11:00 pm, but so be it.
Since the model is hybrid, with 4 hour skills sessions on campus, students who can handle the pressure may now double up on courses. If they are not holding down a job (as most of our students do), it's now possible to double courses without keeling over.
This should be interesting....
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