Saturday, November 14, 2020


 Whelp, this is officially the driest ammo market I have seen in my life.  That includes 2008.

.22 long rifle?  Nope.

9x19mm?  LOLOLOLOL.

Tree Fitty Seben?  No.

FoTay?  Nope.

.45ACP?  Kudos for taste, but no.

5.56mm?   It may a negative suction effect, where you even searching for it makes supply vanish even more.

7.62mm?  Nope.

30-06?  I think there may be a couple boxes of blanks.... No, wait!  Here's ONE box of Black Hills.  Only $52, what a deal.

12 gauge buck?  Sure..... Buck and a half each.

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