Friday, December 25, 2020

I don't have Covid, so I have that going for me.....


No Covid, which is kind of a shame.  It would have been easier to deal with.

Some fluid in the lungs.  Freaking pee pills.... which work really, really well.  Up and down the stairs takes my breath away. Wasn't that way a few weeks ago.

Follow up doc-doc on Monday, and heart-doc on Wednesday. 

Meanwhile, sleeping in the recliner..... frequent blood-ox readings.... and figuring out how to explain I won't be at work next week.

This could end up being nothing but lifestyle changes and some meds..... or it could be CHF and the long slide.  No idea which way it's going to head, and having to live with that in my head for a while.

Nice doc gave me a scrip for something to squish the anxiety a few hours at a time, as a breather.

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