Monday, December 28, 2020


Wishes, as in I wish I knew where this was all going.

(Edit:   I decided there is something I need to say here, whether this all turns out to be a minimal issue or a quick slide.

Blogging, and the friends I've made doing it, changed my life for the better.  I owe an unqualified thank-you to more people than I can mention, and I hope it finds it's way in front of all the eyes it belongs.

You folks help me believe humanity is worthwhile.  Thank you.)

Couple weeks back I had a blood pressure scare. Stupid high numbers.  Took a few weeks off to relax, quadrupled the meds, and now it's better but still high.

Now? Damn.... it's like my body read a list of bad shit to do, and took it as a goal.

Couldn't breath worth a damn, and walking 100 yards had me breathing hard.    Sitting in the living room just breathing hard, and feeling like I was not getting air.  Weak.

This past week (Merry Christmas!), I had the rounds of doctors, testing labs, and even the ER.  It took TWO happy pills to get me in the ER for testing, and that's a life-first for me.  Anxiety is sky-high, also a life-first.

Blood tests.  X-rays. Multiple EKG's.  Multiple Echo-cardiograms. A CT scan.  Now an appointment with my family doc today, and a cardiologist on Wednesday (Reg doc twisted arms).

  • Fluid in my lungs
  • Pitting edema on my legs
  • Blood oxygen lower than it should be
  • Heart a little enlarged 
  • Some left atrial ventricular jibber jabber stuff 

Yeah..... I wasn't born yesterday.  I can do simple math, and I know what all that seems to add up to.  The problem is, I lack the knowledge to really *know*.   This could be anything from 'You have to make some lifestyle changes but you have years of working like a dog left in you'...... up to 'Today would be a good day to get your crap in order, and don't dawdle.  Oh, can you pay the office bill before you leave, too?'




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