Wednesday, May 19, 2021

My calendar....

Seems mighty busy for an old retired guy.  I was looking forward to forgetting what day of the week it is.

Anyway, this week is for cramming because next week is for something else.  My to-do list may be longer than my can-do list.

Today was 'Putz around the house and see haw far I can blow those limitations' day.

  • Dishes, pots, and pans... done.
  • 3 loads of laundry done, not to include folding which I hateses.
  • Porch, drive, deck, and patio blown clear of nature crap.
  • Wood split and stacked for Saturday's evening fire event. Young Miss K turned 20!!
  • Lights strung on the patio, and tables placed.
  • Living room swept and vacuumed.
  • Some reloading prep done, and polisher is busy now.
That made my steps goal, which I'll admit is meager.  It also planted me in the chair more than a few times.

The next few days I have to figure out car registration, get the thing serviced, and stock the larder well.  On top of that, finish all the preps for having people on Saturday, and taking off Sunday to Do Things.

I swear.... this is a tired smile.  Really.  I promise.

Bourbon whisky, yay!
Dear God, what's hurting me now?
Bourbon whisky, yay!

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