Monday, June 21, 2021

Cha Cha Cha Changes....

Meself "Hey son, did I tell you I bought myself a pair of sandals?"

Son  "WHAT????"

It seems I shook the very foundations of his world, which is a good fatherly thing to do on occasion.  HE has been wearing sandals since he was a teenager, and I can't recall him in anything else. An IT professional, supports himself and family quite handily, but 'formal'?  Not quite.

Seriously though, I bought myself my first pair of sandals, and that's pretty much all I'm wearing now (Except on range days and such).  This caused the thinkening to happen.

I've been wearing work boots since I was 12.   Every... single.... day. My legs had a 'boot line' where the boots stopped, and my legs changed shape into the tree trunks they are.  Every doctor I ever had looked sideways at that boot line till I explained it.

Before 12, it was sneakers, or just bare feet.  Summer, Winter, whatever. 12 and up..... work boots.... cuz that's what a working man wears.  For reasons.   Work boots represent a man who provides, who does the things.  They represent a way of living.

Now I'm wearing sandals, and the boot line is going away.  This reflects a massive change in lifestyle, and really drove the point home.

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