Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Flat rate in the kitchen

Working flat rate as a technician means thinking a certain way. To do it well, a tech is always thinking ahead.  Multipurpose actions, and doing three activities at the same time with the same motions and energy. Efficiency and accuracy are King and Queen to this way of life.

Here we see flat rate thinking applied to cooking dinner...

That is a whole roasting chicken (on sale, $5.80 for 6lbs) ready to go in the oven.  It's surrounded by peeled onions (50 cents per lb) because being roasted with a chicken may be the finest thing that can happen to an onion. They will go in the fridge after they cool.

Alongside the big chicken, we see scratch corn bread (less than $1) ready to go in. Why? Because it costs pennies to make, everyone loves it, and the OVEN WILL ALREADY BE HOT.

You see, heating the oven = energy = MONEY, so every time the hot box is heated up it must be used efficiently.

That's also the reason these potatoes (5lbs for $2.50) will be on shelf#2 while the chicken is on shelf #1.   One heat, many roasts, much saving. Wow!

Tonight's dinner does not include the potatoes. Those are for breakfast tomorrow, and maybe a salad side for tomorrow's dinner. The onions are also not for dinner, though I would not begrudge anyone snagging one.  Those are for soup to be made with the picked chicken carcass. 

Tonight's veggie Du jure will be roast sweet corn on the cob (10 for $3).    I'm dearly hoping, but not expecting, leftovers of the corn.  The soup, you know!

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