530 grain bullet over 46 grains of compressed Pyrodex (=60 grains of BP) gave the slight beginnings of pressure signs, and approached uncomfortable to shoot. No benefit found as far as accuracy.
The same load with a 300 grain bullet was fun to shoot, but again no significant accuracy boost. Make a good hunting load, if I still hunted big game. I put the last 6 rounds on the 200 yard steel target. Solid THUNK every time :-)
Now I need to mount the Vernier tang sight, and get serious about target loads using 400-500 grain bullets. Suppose I should get a mold for whatever seems to shoot the best.
Addendum, note to self: Cleaning a single shot rifle is pleasant, but scrubbing lead out of a bore is not. Self, do NOT fire those rounds you were given. Instead, pull the bullets and save the components. Also self, learn from this. No matter the load, never let the fire in the cartridge touch the lead base of the bullet! Wad now, wad tomorrow, wad always!
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