Friday, July 16, 2021

Sharing a thought...

In a former age, one might be walking around their town, or driving down a rural road, and see a friend or neighbor relaxing on their front porch.   Sitting out front was the universal sign that visitors are welcome... and we often did.  Even if it was just to say good evening, and ask how their day was.

The days piling up with no one sitting out there... that's when we knew it was time to get off our butt and go knock.  They might really need us.

These modern days, we don't do after diner walks around town, and few folks go for that evening drive down quiet country roads.  We sit at home and twiddle electronics, or work that second job to make ends meet.

Meself?  I get to thinking about people, and feel the urge to reach out and touch base with them.  Just a note to say hi... thinking of you.... how are you doing.... I'm still here.  It's the modern version of saying "Hello friend" as I walk past their front porch.

I don't think there's enough reaching out to people in these times. People get isolated, lost in their own heads, and lack of human contact can make it all turn dark.

Do you do that?  Reach out just to say hi? Let the people you know understand they are not alone in  this mess?

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