Saturday, July 10, 2021

Western Bullet Co. (update and scam warning)

I ordered some cast bullets from Western Bullet Co.   They pulled the money from my bank account on 7-2.  Their auto-generated receipt leaves the shipping info blank.  An e-mail requesting likely shipping time has gone unanswered.

We shall see if I tossed my money away, or if I'm just expecting too much in the way of customer service.

Update: It's beginning to look like Western Bullet is pretty much a scam at this point.   The site takes money, nothing is shipped out, and calls/emails go unanswered.   You are better off burning your cash as bug repellant.


Zendo Deb said...

Your bank should be able to help you...

Carteach said...

Debit card. I have no credit cards.