W: 317.6 UGH. Yesterday was a screwed up day in all ways. Hint: The new Beatlejuice movie would have to get better just to suck ass.
BS: 154
DishesGroceries- Vacuum
- Laundry
- Meds
Chicken stuffGreen tomato jamGreen tomato salsaGratin potatoes for dinner- ?
On the first day of Trump, My Congress gave to me , One Big Impeachment.
On the second day Trump, My Congress gave to me, Two FBI Investigations.
On the third day of Trump, My Congress gave to me, Three Faked Up Scandals.
On the fourth day of Trump, My Congress gave to me, Four phony rape charges.
On the fifth day of Trump, My Congress gave to me, FIVE MOOOORE IMPEACHMENTS.....
On Friday I picked the green San Marzano tomatoes, ending up with a full box. 80% of these were run through a blender and into my big 10.5 quart pot. The pot was filled almost to the top. Then began cooking, sugaring up, and grinding in spices. They cooked until today, Sunday afternoon, spending the nights in a warm oven. Today I canned 12 (1/2 pint) jars of tomato jam. The leftover in the pot had dried Roma tomato's, dried Jalapeno peppers, and dried onions added. Some apple cider vinegar, a LOT of Cholula hot sauce, and a can of V-8 juice to thin it a bit. Herself declared it EXCELLENT salsa Verde and plans to eat all 3 quarts by herself. The rest of the green tomatoes? Why... fried green tomatoes, of course!
Also more salsa :-)
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