Monday, July 1, 2019

Post Racist..... tastes like crocodile tears.

I was reading through a clutch of poli-stuff this morning, and this piece came up. It's basically a rantish scree on Joe Biden, and  his having to suffer the world he and his party created.

 "By any sane standard, Joe Biden is not a racist. He’s a clod, a creepy leech, terminally dumb, and he says cringy things (including about race), but the idea that he harbors any vicious hatred for people based on their race is really, really far-fetched. Sure, there’s a statistically insignificant chance that Sleepy Floppy Gropey Joe is really Seggy Joe, wistfully recalling the days of segregation and Jim Crow – after all, those are Democrat inventions – but it’s … unlikely. But that doesn’t matter. The Social Justice Whiners who totally dominate the Democrat Party have made sure that neither he nor any of the other liberals fighting for the chance to be crushed by Donald Trump in 2020 will be measured by any sane standard."

What comes to my mind as I read this?  The thought that so, so many race haters and race manipulators would truly HATE spending a day in my class.

My students run the full spectrum of race/sex/religion/orientation and nationality.  Almost always a full spread every course.

Here's what would make the haters cry;  There is no animosity amongst my students, generally.   They all work together and support each other.  The make fun of each other.  They help each other.  they all work together.  They study together.  They eat lunch together.  They socialize after school together.  They behave like sane, happy, non-hatey people.... and that would drive the divisive racists insane.

The dempub political manipulators are rendered powerless in the face of simple decent people, like my kids. 

What makes it worse for the very people heckling Creepy Joe right now?   I teach my students to THINK.  That alone would drive the leadership of both parties right back under the rocks they came from.


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