Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Those darm uppity racists.....

  1. 1.
    a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
showing or feeling discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or believing that a particular race is superior to another.

You know, that word 'racist' gets tossed around an awful lot, but I don't recall ever hearing anyone define it. I listened to an entire NPR program delving into whether this action or those words or that guy over there met the definition of racist, yet in the entire show they neglected to actually define the term.

Is this in the category of words people refuse to define, lest they be held to a definition? 

Does anyone here have a definition of 'racism' they would care to share.... or would defining racism be declared racist in itself? Perhaps we are not allowed to talk ABOUT the word, even though it's a term tossed at people like a jagged rock...... (or maybe a boomerang?).

My personal theory is that the people who get enjoyment slinging the word at folks will fight having it defined tooth and nail. Pinning down actual meanings, rather than making them up as one goes, can be a such a party pooper when a good healthy rant is ongoing.


Curmudgeon said...

The definition of "racist" is: anyone who disagrees with the democrats.

Old Windways said...

Hey, you can't use "boomerang" like that! That's cultural appropriation (unless you are Aboriginal Australian). ;)

I guess if you refuse the define a standard, you can't be accused of having a double standard.

Chuck Pergiel said...

It's one of those magic words that means whatever I want it to mean.