Sunday, August 4, 2019

Head space.....

Cheeto Jesus may be many things, good, bad, and ugly.... but he is an undeniable master at directing conversations and eyes.

In just a few tweets, he has made Cortez, Omar, Tlaib, and Cummings the very face of his opposition.

(I don't call them the face of the Republican parties opposition, because I am quite certain the Trumpster is for himself, and not for any party. The 'pubs hate him as much as the 'Dems do, and Trump was registered D for almost his entire life before swapping out just to run for election.)

In any case, he manages to control the thoughts of millions of people through nothing more than short comments. He's moved into so many peoples heads, they can't help themselves but jump at his every word, if unsteadily so given the knees jerking up and down like reciprocating saws.

Hell.... NPR will likely be bankrupt in about 5 years, since their entire business model has shifted to 'Orange Man Bad 24/7' over the last few years. I doubt they can transition back after Da Trump is out of office.

Prediction.... Whoever becomes the D's anointed candidate for 2020, Trump will tweet his high esteem for. That person will immediately be gutted like a fish, and used by the DNC as a bus drive-line oiler for the rest of the election season.

It's Trumps political world, and he runs it 280 characters at a time.