Sunday, April 25, 2021

CMP match today

I am exhausted.  About halfway through the final slow fire, I just lost my front sight picture.  Couldn't get it back... nothing but fuzz and questionable focus.

I'm told CMP rules now allow optics up to 4x, and that is certainly something I'll try here.  I already have it all, and it's even on quick detachable mounts. A swap over will take minutes, and I'll be ready to try this again.

All that, and I scored fairly well.  At least as good as I used to, which shocked me speechless.  When Herself showed me the score, I told her to add it again, as no way it could be correct.  At least six years since I shot a CMP match.

(Next day update)

LOL.... it's been so long since I've shot CMP, today I have muscle aches in my left arm from supporting the rifle in position.  I am encouraged!  Imagine how much room I have to get better.

(Update update)

A shot of Bourbon in my coffee, and 30 minutes under the jets in the hot tub.  Aches and pains gone for now!

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