There is a CMP match in a few weeks, centered on US Bolt Actions.
Okley Doakley... I have an 03A3.
I haven't fired that Springfield in roughly 8 years. Well now... this oughta be fun!
Towards that end, Today was inventory 06 ammo day. Gathered in one spot, I was happy to see what it amounts to, although it won't cover what I need. No particular loading is there in enough quantity.
The match is 58 rounds (including sighters), and I will need to practice at least that amount with the same ammo. So, 116 rounds minimum. At todays prices, I'd be looking at a several hundred bucks in ammo alone.... if it was available at all... which it aint.
I'ma gonna have to roll my own. Luckily I have a few hundred match bullets, and several pounds of IMR4895. Pretty sure I have plenty of primers too. Now I just need to uncover my loading bench and clean up the gear.
This should be at least as much fun as shooting the match!
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