W: 341.9
Leg cramps suck rabid rhino wanker. That is all.
Rain today, and tomorrow as well. Nature is taking over the watering duties, so I'll just relax on the porch with my coffee and watch the green things grow. My goal of planting something every day (Yesterday was propagating roses) can slide today I think.
The Dems political investigation wishes to grill Rudy about... stuff. He says 'Sure! As long as *I* can have my own recording of the hearing' to which Nancy refused with all the venom she could muster.
Hmmmm what kind of politician is frightened by a recording of a hearing? The kind that fears the truth, and people finding out the truth. Sad little Nancy. So transparent in her obfuscation.
So, what do you think? Should witness's called to political hearings be allowed to have their own recordings of what happens?
I liken it to body cams on police officers. Not the be-all and end-all, but it tends to keep people honest(er).
What do you think of a committee chair that refuses to allow recordings that she can't personally control? I think it's a bit like an officer with a body cam and a car-cam ordering you not to record them. They are not against recording.... just against recordings they don't control.
I'd love to hear solutions suggested. To anything. Not just complaints, but solutions to go with them.
I was devastated to find our coffee press empty, but I solved it by making more coffee.
I'm unhappy with the effects inflation and skyrocketing energy costs are having on the family budget. I'm responding to it by shopping smarter, cutting down energy usage, and just simply consuming less across the board.
I very much dislike our political leadership's actions recently, and I will respond by carefully voting for people I think will do a better job. Not parties... people.
Hory Crud Batman! For a nation without a navy, Ukrainian soldiers sure are screwing with the Russia's warships. Yet another one has 'Burst into flames' (after being missile(ed) by Ukraine's grunts.
Honest debates are good.
One sided railroad events where the chosen candidate gets questions in advance and moderators are all associated with one side.... not so much. Sometimes the only way to win is not to play.
Market fall down go boom?
What do you think?
Should everyday people be targeted for harassment at their homes?
Should business owners be targeted for harassment at their homes?
Should political figures be targeted for harassment at their homes?
Should judicial figures be targeted for harassment at their homes?
If you say yes to any of these, are YOU okay with being harassed at YOUR home?
From an away game, I quote myself:
"There are those who are thinking and reasonable people who can accept losing through reasoned discourse without resorting to violence and force to win what they think they want.
Then there are those can't accept such a loss, and see violence and force as their only (and an acceptable) means of winning. The second group are sociopaths. They place their own desires above society and will *resort* to violence to get what they want.
There is a third group who *prefer* violence and force to the point they won't even attempt reasoned discourse... believing their mere self centered desire justifies any means, the more brutish the better. This group is comprised of thugs and criminals."
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