Friday, May 6, 2022

From a phone conversation...

We were discussing various tools, and the caller said "I'm not expecting problems, but I want to be ready if problems find me".

I said "I'm a pacifist myself", which was greeted with chuckling silence (A term I just coined. It's when you know someone well enough you can hear them laugh at you even when they don't).

"Look, I said I'm a pacifist.  I mean that I choose peace first and always. I didn't say I don't have the capacity to not be a pacifist.  If you don't have the ability to choose violence*, then you don't have the ability to choose peace.  It's like a 400 pound man who can barely walk telling you they choose not to dance ballet.  Dude.... you don't really have that choice".

Chuckling silence turned to outright laughter.  "Okay, I gotta remember that one".

*Also, anyone who can't choose violence has no chance of ever successfully fixing ford truck suspensions.

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