Tuesday, September 24, 2024


W: 318.2

BS: 162

  • Dishes
  • Chickens
  • Meds
  • Laundry
  • Trash
  • Make chili
  • Stabilize and clarify mead
  • ?
I just took an on-line IQ test.  Yes, I know, but it seemed right in line with what I recall of such tests.
124.  In Junior High I tested high enough they called three of us to the office to give us our scores so other students would not be discouraged.  160 range.
Whar my braining go?  I only average schmarts now. 

To be fair, half the test is seeing patterns in numbers and I quit being interested in mathiness games over 40 years ago.  Too much mind numbing useless garbage in high school and college math classes.

Speaking of mathiness, today was the monthly 'great financial bloodbath'.  My primary monthly income arrives in the account, and I pay as many bills as possible immediately.
In one hour the account goes from low X00.oo to XX00.oo and back to low X00.00.
As I smoked a cigar on the porch with coffee this morning, I realized the budget is tight enough I won't be ordering any sticks for a while.... if at all.   The bills are mostly paid and people will be eating, but some luxuries have to go. My cigars and booze will lead the exodos (original meaning intended).

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