Sunday, September 29, 2024

We had some BSB's that wanted used now, not later.

So I cut them into manageable chunks, whacked them with a hammer to make them evenly flat, and dumped them into a big bowl.
Garlic powder, Onion powder, Paprika, Salt, Black pepper, hot mustard, and mayonnaise. Got my hands right in and played squishy squishy.
Sheet tray covered in parchment, and a small kitchen bin got a layer of homemade bread crumbs. Oven set to 425.
The old two hand shuffle. Icky hand tossed goopy chicken into the crumbs, non-icky hand covered them with crumbs and then laid them on the sheet. Into the oven for 30 minutes.
At 30 minutes, flip the chicken and generously cover with Parmesan cheese. Back in the oven for another ten minutes.
The fam left not a crumb behind.

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