Tuesday, December 3, 2024

12-3-24 Daily log

W: 314.4                BS: 185 (??)

  • Taxi... just a 3 hour tour
  • Fire & Wood
  • Chickens
  • Farm supply ?
  • Salt
  • ?

In this mornings edition of Hell To The Fuck NO, I give you this lovely sight.   Let's see how long it takes the peoples to realize full sinks STILL equal zero food prep.

22f this morning.  Even the coffee maker is in slow motion.  Perhaps it's time to clean the inside coop up and move the chickens in for the Winter.

"Why do you always swirl your coffee mug when you pour coffee?"
"Because it stirs in the cream and sugar.
"Why not use a spoon like the rest of the humans?"
"Then I'd have to get a spoon, use the spoon, and wash the spoon.  This is more efficient by at least 10 seconds and 8 motions".

"......... It's a flat rate thing, isn't it........?"

Stray question.... in a hard times / high crime / scarce food / etc moment in history, what has more value.  5 pounds of silver in the safe, or 5 cases of decent bourbon in the closet?

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