Yesterday dinner for Herself and I was potatoes au gratin with bacon. Simple, complicated, rustic, and exquisite all at the same time. The potatoes were leftover from another meal, as was the cheddar sauce. Add bacon, sliced Brie cheese, and some scraps of fried onion bits. Bake in a dish, and hella noms.
Today, the day after using leftover noms to make even nommier food.... we have leftover leftovers. Potatoes au gratin to be exact, about a cup and a half. FAR too good to just throw away, or feed to the children.
I scooped the au gratin into a bowl and added two eggs. Some time with a pastry cutter saw it turn into goopy, cheesy, tasty.... stuff. To this I added a little flour, some fresh black pepper, and some stirring.
When it looked like chunky cheesy very stiff batter, into a buttered fry pan it went, in patties. Smoosh down a bit to flatten, set heat to medium, and walk away. I went to drink coffee and fondly contemplate my past sins. Ten minutes, and flip them I do. Another ten, and plate them I did. A dollop of sour cream and a bit of parsley completed the dish.
I gave surprised wife her plate, and she made growly sounds till it was all gone. Then, she began eyeing my plate with greedy malice. I guess she likes leftover leftovers.
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