Friday, January 10, 2025


I don't know squat about RFK, or his ideas.

That said, some outfit from Chicago says they have 17,000 signatures from 17,000 unnamed people who claim to be doctors, and they don't like RFK or his ideas.

I have two three things to say about that.

1) There is nobody and no group on earth I am more skeptical of than doctors, especially anonymous people calling themselves doctors.

2) If they were right and RFK was wrong, they'd only need 1 doctor to say why.

3) This pack of twitties is so legit, even *I* was able to sign the letter on their website.  My medical title is now 'His Highness' and my specialty is BSology.

Dr. Rob Davidson

1:25 PM (10 minutes ago)
to me

Hello Dr. welling, 

Thank you for joining physicians nationwide to call on the Senate to reject RFK Jr.'s appointment to Secretary of Health and Human Services.

As physicians, we understand the grave danger RFK Jr.'s false claims and misinformation pose to our public health infrastructure. Collectively, we must tell the Senate that this appointment is reckless and dangerous, and that they must protect and defend our patients' access to quality health care by rejecting his appointment.

Take your next step to oppose RFK's nomination by visiting doctorsagainstrfk.comThrough that action center you can email your senators, the AMA, and your speciality organization urging united opposition to this dangerous appointment.

We will keep you updated on developments with the letter and our campaign.

Thanks for all you do,

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