Tuesday, February 4, 2025

2-4-25 Daily log. The old dog learns a new trick...

W: 314.2                BS: 164

Doo be Dooby do...
  • Taxi 1
  • Taxi 2
  • Fire & Wood
  • Move firewood
  • Vacuum
  • Dishes
  • Laundry

I procured a waffle maker for the family.  Unpacked it this morning, and this is the very first waffle from it.  I made three, each better than the last.  The next batch will see a few minor changes to the batter, and I expect it will be right there.

Once I have plain waffles down, I will move on to the tricksy stuff.  Whole wheat, whole wheat whole grain, waffled grilled cheese, fried rice waffles, sausage gravy on savory waffles... all the things, all the stuff.

Old dog + new trick = happy family

A shredded Russet and a shredded shallot.  Pinch of salt and pepper.  Smidge of corn starch.

Stir Stir Stir and then 15 minutes in the waffle maker.

SherZAMM!  Perfect hash browns.

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