Thursday, February 20, 2025

Clotted cream....

Have you ever made clotted cream?
Have you ever even tried clotted cream?

This stuff is a gift from our friends in The Once Great Britain.  I have no idea how they came upon it, but I'm told it's a common treat there.  Here in the US?  Not so much, which is a real shame.

It's so darned tasty, and once it's tasted there will always be just a little craving hiding in the background of ones palate.  Spread on (American) biscuits, toast, pancakes, muffins, etc... just amazingly rich and good.

I think I, probably like most Americans, had never tasted clotted cream.  At least, not till I made my own.  "You Can DO That?!"   Yup, sure can, and it's dead easy.  Might be the easiest thing ever 'cooked'!

There is one ingredient.  Real cream.  There is only one method.  Pour the cream into a shallow but wide baking dish, and put that in a 200 degree oven.  Come back in 12 hours, and set the dish to cool.  Once cool, put it in the fridge overnight.  In the morning, spoon the clotted cream off the top and put it in a container to keep in the fridge.  BAM, that is it!

It can be frozen, and I am told it will keep in the fridge up to a week.  We've never had it last more than a day till the container was licked clean.  I made this batch over the last couple days and now we have enough to freeze AND eat.  There will be scones, or biscuits, or something like that in our very near future, just to spread the clotted cream on.

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