Since The Trump took office, illegal border crossings have gone from an average 11,000 a day under Biden to less than 300 a day. In one month. Border patrol agents say they have never seen the numbers of illegals this low, ever.
Yeah, eggs prices have not dropped, but the 1/3 of all layer chickens in the US which the Bidenistas slaughtered will take time to come back. Illegal aliens? They change as quickly any other intelligent human. Fast. They are not stupid and they can follow what is happening as well as anyone else. The Biden team bent over backwards to increase unlawful migration in order to boost voters for their team, at massive taxpayer cost. That backfired, and the LEGAL immigrants went for Trump in a big way, while everyone saw the corruption in the Dem plan. Lets face it, actual bad and evil people really are rarer than decent folks who want the best for everyone.
Not only did Legal immigrants go for Trump, but so did a surprisingly large swath of other minorities, the FOP, and the Teamsters. Those folks, and many others, all joined by a common theme it seems. They are all hard working Americans with families they care about. Seeing their jobs vanish, their communities go bad, and their kids school turn ugly... that made it clear to them like nothing else ever did. Enough that more than half the voters in the nation went Trump, or at least decided Harris/Waltz was a bad enough idea to vote against them. The border issue was leading that drive.
How will border security play out in the coming years? Changes, my friends, BIG changes.
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