Thursday, March 13, 2025

3-13-25 Daily log

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Cough.... cough....cough....cough...... Nyquil kind of day.....  Non-stop coughing AND whiskey guts.  Going to be an adventuresome day!

  • Dishes
  • Laundry?
  • Carry in wood?
  • Chicken cordon bleu
  • Chickens 2-3ish?
  • 1st planting radish & green onions
  • Trash out
  • Extra med
  • ?
I read that 'Shutdown Schumer' is once again engineering a 'Government shut down' as some weird kind of power play.  Like the race card and calling everyone a Nazi, it's lost any effect through silly usage.  By now, we Americans know exactly how little a 'government shut down' actually effects our lives.  So little, the Obama team had to *invent* ways to make people notice his shut down.

There is something else I'm surprised Chuckles didn't think about.  Americans, despite the Pravda being spewed by the D's, are in a serious mood to cut waste, fraud, and corruption.  What better way to make a cut-list than have a shut down of NON-essential bureaucrats and drones?  If we can painlessly do without their services for a week or two, then why not a year or two.... or forever?

One point of sadness.  Shutdown Schumer and his gang have set themselves aside from any pain they cause.  They are NON-essential personnel that are excluded from the fun. 

Today's culinary adventure:  Chicken Cordon Bleu casserole.

Chunks of chicken tenderloin, with diced smoked ham, shredded Swiss cheese, and the usual mayo/mustard thing.  All in ramakins with a buttery-parm crumb crust to toast on top

I think I'll bump things up a bit by adding crumbled bacon and some Calabrian chili sauce.

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