Sunday, March 16, 2025

3-16-25 Sunday

W: 311.6                BS: 98

  • Chicken-Orzo soup
  • Swiss Chard bed
  • Dishes
  • ?

Some culinary bits and things....

Yesterday mornings leftover oatmeal morphed into bread, with whole grains added.  This will be breakfast again today, toasted with cream cheese.

I like chicken thighs, if we are eating yard bird. They have more flavor and cook up moister. Herself though, she wants boneless, and skin ONLY if it's dead crisp.

So today I turned a 5lb family pack of thighs into boneless/skinless thighs, and oven fried them in breading.  Quite tasty, and enough leftover for another meal or two.

This left a ziplock of meaty bones and another of skin and fat.  NO WASTE HERE!  The bones will go to stock, and the fatty skin to making Schmaltz.  I'm looking forward to the crunchy crispy chicken cracklings that will leave us.

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