Monday, March 17, 2025

3-17-25, Begora!

W: 311.8                BS: 98

  • Dairy store?
  • Make butter?
  • Make ricotta?
  • Make yogurt
  • Plant turnips, onions, radish
  • Clean up rose bed?
  • Wash tub planter?
  • Vacuum
  • Dishes
  • Laundry
  • ?
50 degrees and dreary kind of day.  Good day to light the fire for heat and open the windows for air!
I've never made butter. Might try that today.

Follow up, butter lessons learned.....
First, making butter will not get me cheaper butter.  It will get me better quality butter for the same price as store brand butter.
Second, making butter with a kitchenaid mixer is an exercise in 'easy'.
Third, Do NOT overfill the mixer bowl.
Fourth, the butter will go from semi-mass to butter and whey in seconds, when it's ready.  It's easy to tell when this happens because at that point the mixer will begin flinging large splashes of whey all over the counter and floor.  Also, the mixer will begin hopping around because it has a pound of butter stuck to the spinning paddle.

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