Tuesday, March 4, 2025

3-4-25 Winding down from the flu

W: 312.0                BS: 167

As influenza goes, this is the easiest ride I've ever had.  Not 9 days, but 3-4.  Not high fever, but only102 a couple times.  All the coughing, but I could always breath.  All in all, I'm still washed out like an old rag but it was nothing like previous instances.

What for the difference?  I have to lean towards the Tamiflu being effective.  Also, we've been slamming B-C-D vitamins for several years now.  D is the biggy my doctor tells us.

The fever broke last night, my appetite returned enough to have a bowl of cereal, and I slept most of the night.  Abdominal muscles are screaming, and I have to hold my guts to cough or it hurts like hell.  That will pass with two Tylenol.

I'm Back, for a given value of back.

  • Dishes
  • Laundry
  • Fire & Wood
  • Order groceries
  • Make stock
  • Vacuum
  • Clean
  • Recover

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