Sunday, November 8, 2009

Image library..... and backup

This morning I began backing up my photograph catalog from the big computer.... in excess of 36,000 images and over 80 gigabytes. It's being backed up to a portable hard drive, in preparation to moving it over to my laptop. Yesterday I installed new photoshop software to the laptop, and I plan on spending some time reviewing those photos.... deleting and editing.... till the herd shows more quality than quantity.

Watching that countdown timer move across the screen as the software does it's job.... 6% done..... 8% done...... for an hour or more, I've been thinking about the images I will find in that catalog. Sure.... guns, shooty stuff, food, flowers, ships, machines.... but there is more. Past loves, people now gone, good times and bad. In that mass of photos I'll find the last few years of my life laid out for display.

I will go through them, and I will edit ruthlessly.... and I will be flooded with memories while I do it.


William the Coroner said...

Be interesting to see. Keep 'em. Hell, they have anthropological value. Make an interesting coffee table book (perhaps posthumous, but still)

Carteach said...

The editing will be done on the laptop. The backup catalog stored two other places will remain intact. Even the poor photos... I'd just as soon not lose.

I can't imagine anyone else would be interested in most of this, but I've started printing and framing some of them for myself.