Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Citidel Federal Credit Union... good stuff

My Credit Union just intercepted fraudulent charges on my bank card... the second time in five years. Last time the charges were for an 'escort service' in Austria. This time it was a Walmart in Orlando.

Both times they caught it in less than a day, more like hours. Both times they shut it down fast. No charges hit my account last time. This time, with luck they won't either. I already have a dispute form on the way, and a new card as well.

Citadel Federal Credit Union.... well done.


Rev. Paul said...

I'm glad they caught it.

freddyboomboom said...

Navy Federal Credit Union has done that for me twice before.

The second time, they called me and asked "Did you make this charge?" then said "Well, we're cancelling your card and sending you a new one with a different number. We apologize for the inconvenience."

BTW: I like that they did this.