Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Isn't that interesting.....

The school still has me listed as an instructor of the Auto Mechanics program, and till today my school E-mail was still valid and passing on messages to my home e-mail.

Well, at this moment I am still listed as instructor, but the E-mail account has been eliminated. Perhaps it's because for the last week I have been getting complaint messages from parents regarding school screw ups, and have been answering them with a form-note stating I am no longer the instructor and referring them to the principal, helpfully giving his E-mail address.

Not sure how I feel about still being listed as instructor. Given the current public opinion of the school administration, I'm not sure I wish to be linked in any way.


Rev. Paul said...

I understand how you feel, but you're absolved of responsibility for the school's delay (screw up?).

Old NFO said...

I'd be forcing them to take your name OFF that list...